Natural cleaning remedies

Having read about natural cleaning products, you can now try out the following remedies. If you know of any others, please add them at the bottom in the comments section. You can mix most of these agents in advance and keep them in recycled plastic bottles. They do not last as long as commercial chemical products, so don’t mix too much in advance..

General Natural remedies

Neutralising odor & making air fresheners

Use bicarbonate of soda as a fridge or cupboard deodoriser – just leave some in an open box. Eliminate odors from pet bedding, carpets and upholstery by sprinkling bicarbonate of soda over the area – wait 30 minutes then vacuum. Borax is also an effective odour neutraliser – you can neutralise urine and spilled milk odors from mattresses and upholstery by dampening the spot and rubbing some Borax into the area, then vacuuming when the Borax is dry. Make your own air freshener in a small spray bottle by adding a couple of drops of essential oils (such as lavender, geranium, lemon or tea tree) to water. Spray around your home once a day. In the winter, soak a flannel in warm water mixed with a couple of drops of essential oils and place this on your radiator; or just put a few pieces of lemon or orange rind on it for an instant fresh aroma. Alternatively put some water mixed with essential oils behind or under the radiator – the evaporated oil will fill the room with a lovely fragrance. You can also use an empty electric diffuser – just add your own mixture and use as usual. Of course an aromatherapy candle/lamp can also be used.

Window cleaning

Mix 2/3 water and 1/3 distilled white vinegar – spray windows, glasses and mirrors with it. You can also remove spots from glasses with this mixture. Soda crystals can also be mixed with water – this solution will give windows, mirrors and wall tiles a sparkle.

Furniture cleaner

Make furniture polish with one part white vinegar and three parts lemon oil or olive oil – alternatively mix some olive oil with lemon juice. Always buff antique furniture and hardwood with beeswax, Danish oil or raw linseed oil.

Upholstery Cleaner

Remove stains from furniture upholstery and clothes by applying white vinegar directly to the stain, then wash as directed in the manufacturer’s instructions. Alternatively just dip a toothbrush in vinegar and gently brush over grease spots. Use some dissolved soda crystals to remove stains from fabric upholstery -but first test the fabric on a hidden area for colour fastness.

Floor Cleaner

Wooden floors can be cleaned with a solution of tea bags soaked in water. Make a soda crystal solution to clean outdoor wooden floors and decking and mop the surface as per usual. Shoe and heel marks can be removed with a rubber (eraser). Lino can be cleaned with an equal mixture of milk & turpentine.

Cleaning carpets

Sprinkle some bicarbonate of soda over the carpet overnight – this will freshen up the carpet and neutralise any odor. You can also freshen up your carpet by sprinkling some tea leaves and household salt over it – leave for half an hour or so, then vacuum. To remove odors dampen the area, then sprinkle some Borax and vacuum when it has dried. To clean you carpet use a vinegar solution – 2/3 water, 1/3 vinegar – this can also remove pet urine. To remove more stubborn stains, mix some Borax with water and rub the paste into the affected area – when dry, vacuum up the powder. First test it on an unexposed area! For wine and other liquid stains, dissolve half a cup of Borax in half a litre of warm water, leave for 30 minutes and sponge off. Read more carpet cleaning tips.

Food stains

Wine and food stains can be treated with a Borax & soda crystals solution. Use soda crystals for ink and grass stains too. Curry stains can be removed with lemon juice mixed with warm water.


Mix some soda crystals solution – use this to wipe down paintwork, and prepare bare wood for painting.

In the next article read more cleaning remedies for the kitchen & bathroom!


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