Laundry cleaning

In the previous articles you read about cleaning in a natural way; how to make your own cleaners; how to clean your bathroom and kitchen. This article will give you tips on how to clean your laundry in an eco-friendly way using non-toxic methods.

For recent generations washing machines have made cleaning laundry much easier, yet we seem to be using more and more chemicals to achieve a clean wash. However, using some old-fashioned methods and natural products can reduce the use of detergents and help the environment (and our own health!)..

Soda Crystals

Soda crystals have been used to clean clothes and linen for over a century. Soda crystals soften water, loosen dirt and dissolve grease. If you add just half a cup of soda crystals to your wash, you’ll need to use less of your usual detergent. Heavy stains on cottons, linens and other textiles can be removed by soaking them overnight in a strong soda crystals solution. Soda crystals work on grease, ink, blood, tea and coffee stains. New woollens and blankets will remain soft by soaking them in a mild solution of soda crystals before washing.

Soap Flakes

Soap flakes have also been used for a long time to clean clothes and linen. They are ideal for hand washing woollens, delicates and fine fabrics. Just soak the fabric in a warm, mild solution then rinse it in clear, cool water.  Special microfibre fabrics such as sport and outdoor clothing are also best cleaned with soap flakes.


Vinegar helps to remove perspiration stains from clothing. Add one part vinegar to four parts water, then rinse your item in this solution. Alternatively add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. You can also use vinegar to clean your washing machine & hose pipes of soap scum – just add a pint of distilled vinegar to the rinse cycle of an empty run.


Borax acts as a water conditioner and gives your laundry a fresh smell – just add half a cup to your wash load, together with the recommended dose of soap or detergent. Nappies or diapers can be cleaned by soaking in a solution of Borax and water – just add half a cup of Borax to a bucket of warm water before washing them in your washing machine.

Bicarbonate of Soda

Bicarb neutralises and eliminates odours. By adding just half cup of Bicarb to the rinse cycle, clothes will smell naturally fresh and clean. Ideal for towels, linen and sportswear. If you need to bleach a fabric, add the same amount of bicarb to the bleach – this solution works better (so you need to use less) and reduces bleach odors too. Bicarb by it self will brighten up your white wash without needing to use bleach.

Washing Balls

These laundry balls are used instead of detergent. They contain ionised oxygen producing pellets that activate the water molecules naturally in order to penetrate into the fibres and lift dirt. These balls are environmentally friendly, non-toxic, un-perfumed, hypoallergenic and gentle to fabrics. Heavy stains may have to be removed first (see suitable methods above).

So why don’t you try cleaning your laundry next time using one or more of the above remedies? Read more about borax, bicarb, soda crystals and other natural cleaning products.


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