Insulating water cylinders

To save energy and money on your household bills insulate your hot and cold water cylinder. Both can be done easily.

Cold water tank

The easiest way to insulate a cold-water tank is to use a ready-made plastic insulation jacket that has fibre-glass padding. However, you can make your own jacket by using hardboard & roof insulation roll. Cut them to fit the sides & the lid of the tank, then glue the insulating material to the hardboard. Secure the panels around the tank with a piece of string. Alternatively put pieces of insulating material into black dustbin bags to create blankets. Wrap the blankets around the tank and tie them with string.

Hot water cylinder

You can insulate your hot-water cylinder with a ready-made cylinder jacket. This is normally made of mineral-fibre insulation and comes in segments. Fit the segments around the cylinder ensuring that they are butted together and that no cables are trapped inside the jacket.

Lagging pipes

Having sorted out your water tanks, insulate the pipes that run to and from the cylinder with foam tubes. These tubes are ready-split allowing them to slide over the pipes easily. You can cut the required length with a craft knife then fit it around the pipe. Corners, angles and T-junctions can be dealt with by cutting the appropriate angles in the tube. Seal all joints with insulating tape. Where the pipes are curved you’ll need to cut a few v-shaped notches into the foam tube (where it’s split) so that the tube doesn’t crease when it’s bent around the curved pipe. Then seal the joints with the tape.  Insulate all pipes in your home that are exposed to cold air.

Read more easy energy saving tips! Or read about how to insulate your loft; how to draught proof your doors and windows; and how to fit reflective panels behind your radiators. Remember that, by saving energy, you’ll save lots of money too!


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