Discount Area Rug

Discount Area Rug

There are thousands of area rugs to choose from – in fact, there are too many. So which one should you get?

If you’re buying online, you should only go for cheap rugs -  anything that costs several hundred dollars  you really need to see and feel for yourself. I, personally, don’t think it’s worth spending a fortune on rugs – only for a particularly special or formal kind of room.

If you just want a rug for a short period of time, i.e. a couple of years – do buy one online. But do your research – there are hundreds of webpages offering discount area rugs. Be careful with the expression “discount” -the rug you find might not be much cheaper than in your local home store or shop!
Also, if you want something trendy and fashionable – don’t get a rug with a designer label which comes with a designer price tag. Remember, labels don’t necessarily mean quality. Anyway, just find something similar looking to the designer one you like but more reasonably priced. You can always get another one next year – when your current rug will be so last-year!

If you’re after an area rug at a reduced priced, you can find a list of online stores on the bottom left of this page where you can find good deals going on – they all have a good selection of rugs, oriental, natural, modern and braided.


No more – sorry!!!! 

If you’re not sure what sort of style to go for read more about area rugs,  in particular about modern rugs. Alternatively go our decorating forum and ask fellow homemakers about your problems!

At DIYTogether we’ll be soon putting together a list of online suppliers & sources for home improvement, home decorating, home remodelling & home refreshing. Our new Ten Best Buys of the Months will be compiled by our qualified and experienced interior designers who are constantly searching the internet  for the latest must-haves for our homes. So just keep watching this space!


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