DIY Together services:

DIY NETWORK - the networking venue to exchange tips and Ideas

DIY MARKET - marketplace to sell and buy DIY & home related items

DIY STORES - home improvement & home decoration stores, shops and services

DIY TIPS - Home improvement and decorating tips - for list of tips see below

DIY REVIEW - the place to review DIY related items

DIY HELP - ask an expert

DIY BLOG - DIY projects, interior design ideas, decorating tips and more

DIY SEARCH - search the DIY Together site

DIY MARKET LIST - lists of items on offer at the DIY Marketplace

Service Maps

XML Map - XML Map of the DIY Together Site

DIY Tip List map- available tips by sector:-

Home Decorating Tips

Home Maintenance Tips

Interior Design Tips

Home Improvement Tips

Gardening Tips

Arts & Crafts Tips

Stores Map: - list of US diy & home stores

Online Garden centers , Garden Supply

Area rugs,

kitchen appliances, kitchen equipment, kitchenware, kitchen sink & faucet, kitchen furniture, kitchen lighting,

baby furniture, kids furniture,

Pets supply


Stores Map: - list of UK diy & home stores

UK -garden centres & nurseries

BEST BUYS- list of best-buys - best designer rugs

INFO Pages

DIY TOGETHER - read about the site

DIY NETWORK - how to contribute to the forums

DIY MARKET - how to sell and buy items

ASK AN EXPERT - ask a designer for help

DIY RESOURCES - other useful sites for decorating and DIY

BUIDING REGULATIONS - list of useful building reg sites

DIY NEWS - Home & Garden news, info & articles - 1 2 3 4

Site Use


USER AGREEMENT - terms& conditions of using this site



ENQUIRY FORM - ask a general question about the site